Annual Physicals

Primary Care & Med Spa located in Las Vegas, NV

Annual Physicals

Annual physicals are vital in preventing serious diseases and keeping you in optimal health. At Visiting Medical Clinic, LLC in Las Vegas, Nevada, Amanda Aydin, FNP-C, provides comprehensive physicals that every patient can benefit from. If you want to avoid conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, you need to attend an annual physical. Call the office today to schedule your exam or book an appointment online.

What is an annual physical?

An annual physical is a yearly check-up you have at Visiting Medical Clinic, LLC, to assess your general health. Your annual physical is the opportunity for you to discuss any health problems or questions you have with Amanda. She, in turn, can check all your health indicators and investigate any signs of ill health before they become a more serious problem.

Many of the most widespread and dangerous medical conditions affecting people in the United States cause no symptoms in their early stages. Type 2 diabetes, for example, doesn’t cause noticeable symptoms at first, when it could be reversed.

Some conditions, such as high blood pressure, don’t cause any symptoms until they cause a life-threatening problem like a stroke or heart attack.

Screening for these conditions prevents them from reaching such a critical stage. Undergoing screening tests for certain cancers can also mean the difference between life and death, so your annual physical is a vital element of good healthcare.

What happens during annual physicals?

At Visiting Medical Clinic, LLC, Amanda begins your annual physical by reviewing your medical history and discussing any symptoms or concerns you have. The next stage is the physical exam. She checks all your vital signs and health indicators, such as:

  • Blood pressure
  • Heart rate
  • Respiration rate
  • Temperature
  • Reflexes
  • Reactions
  • Heart and lung sounds

Amanda tailors your annual physical to your individual needs based on any existing health problems and your medical history. That means not everyone’s annual physical is going to be the same. However, you’ll likely have routine checks of your:

  • Throat and tonsils
  • Ears and eyes
  • Nose and sinuses
  • Lymph nodes and thyroid gland
  • Carotid arteries
  • Teeth and gums 
  • Bowel sounds and liver
  • Muscle strength
  • Nerve responses
  • Balance
  • Skin, hair, and nails
  • Joints
  • Mental well-being

Once the physical exam is complete, you might also need other tests. You’re likely to have to give blood and urine samples to enable testing for infections, blood sugar, cholesterol, hormone levels, and micronutrient deficiencies. Amanda might also ask for X-rays or other diagnostic tests if they find anything that needs further investigation.

Are men's and women’s annual physicals the same?

In general, men’s and women’s annual physicals are the same. There are a few tests that are different, though. For instance, men have their prostate gland, penis, and testicles checked, while women have a breast exam and a pelvic exam.

Regular Pap smears that check for any early signs of cervical cancer are also vital for women. Both sexes could benefit from having screenings for STDs at their annual physical.

To arrange your annual physical, call Visiting Medical Clinic, LLC today to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online.